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What is Kahoot Jumble and how can you use it to support your learners?

If you’re not familiar with Kahoot in its most basic form as a quiz, please read our What is a Kahoot Quiz and how does it work? and ‘How could you use Kahoot quizzes to support, challenge and assess learners in your classroom?’ blogs for more information and practical ideas for use in the classroom.

Kahoot Jumbles look similar to Kahoot Quizzes when the task is presented on screen. The question/task is presented at the top of the screen. Teachers can insert an image to support the question too, if required.

Kahoot Jumble looks much like a Kahoot Quiz, with one significant difference; instead of selecting a single correct answer from a range of answers, players must order the answers according to the criteria you set. This adds a layer of complexity to a traditional Kahoot Quiz, requiring children to do more than simply recall facts or rote learnt knowledge - it requires a greater degree of problem solving and reasoning to get the correct answer.

When responding to a Jumble task, children move the colour coordinated blocks from the bottom layer into the spaces provided in the row above. When complete and in order, children press the circular button to the right to confirm their answers.

Take a look at a few examples of how you could use Jumbles across the curriculum to challenge your students. Bear in mind, some problems may require you to adjust the length of time given to respond to each question depending on the abilities of your children.

Using Kahoot Jumbles in Mathematics

Using Kahoot Jumbles in Science

  • Ordering planets by size or distance from the sun

  • Ordering the phases of the moon

  • Ordering food chains

  • Ordering phases of digestion

  • Ordering methods of an experiment

Using Kahoot Jumbles for Literacy & SPaG

  • Structuring a sentence grammatically

  • Spelling using phonemes and graphemes

  • Retelling/recounting story events in sequence

  • Ordering Instructions

Using Kahoot Jumbles for History, Geography and RE

  • Ordering historical events/timelines

  • Sequencing rituals

  • Ordering cities/counties/countries/continents by size and population (requiring research)

  • Ordering cities from north to south and vice versa

Using Kahoot Jumbles in Computing

  • Sequencing algorithms (provide pictures with a route and provide children with the blocks to complete the route).

Using Kahoot Jumbles in Modern Foreign Languages

  • Structuring sentences

  • Translating and ordering phrases from another language

  • Translating and ordering numbers

In my own experience, Kahoot Jumbles provide great fun and children are motivated to play and compete. Will any of the ideas presented in this blog interest your children? How will you use Kahoot Jumbles with your own students? Let us know in the comments below. Thank you for reading.

Happy teaching!

Antony Hyett